"Blinty" <***@aol.com> wrote in message news:***@
: On Fri 25 Jul 2003 12:00:32p, "Lush" <***@nof*ckingspam.com>
: wrote in news:3f2153eb$0$23615$***@freenews.iinet.net.au:
: > Bah! I wish all the men were and the women weren't.
: Let`s face it, this stupid cult is what caused things like the shooting at
: a Colorado High School in Littleton. Wicca isn`t a religion, it`s a
: rebellious fad against Mommy and Daddy. Wicca isn`t WitchCraft. Wicca
: ain't no religion, it`s a fart in the wind, a piss in the ocean.
: I still have yet to see at least ONE PROOF of WitchCraft from these
: retards. I knew it back then, and as I saw it then I do now ... Wicca is
: a pure fart, zippo powers, zippo crap, zippo NOTHING. Hey, but I sit, I
: watch, I look, and still I know I`d spend my time better looking at the
: grass grow. Wicca is nothing, they believe in nothing. There`s no power,
: no nothing, just a group of mentally disturbed people in rebellion against
: Mommy and Daddy, sitting around talking about gods and goddesses they
: don't really believe in and those hags over the age of 30+, they`re just
: looking for their old teen days, not to mention they're mostly lesbians.
: They are moral relativist wackos.
: Wicca is unKKKool, Wicca is a Homosexual cult. But, please, don`t pay
: me no attention, that`s till you find yourself on a dark road with this
: hairy ass gorilla stalking you, and then, "You`re shit out of luck",
: because, you know why, you ain't no Witch; and then you`ll know it.
::crickets singing::
Talesin- The Bad Boy of Witchcraft (tm)
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