(too old to reply)
2008-02-15 17:10:29 UTC

Thank you for taking a minute to read this small proposal.

We are centralconsulting.net a new and upcoming New Age Internet network. We
are seeking new recruits for promoters, consultants and customers of our
sister sites www.CCPsychics.com as well as www.GoAskAPro.com.

We are seeking consultants in all areas of New Age as well as
Para-professionals and Professionals.

This is a real work at home opportunity.

Promoters are able to make up to $10.00 per talk hour for each call they
generate for the network that is $5.00 for the consultant and $5.00 for the
customer no matter how many calls are generated through their efforts.
Promoters all receive a promotions code upon signing up.

Consultants are able to make $21.00 per talk hour to start, and up to $42.00
per talk hour with logged time incentives. There is not a fee to be included
in the network or to receive calls.

Customers talk for three (3) free minutes and as little as $1.67 per minute
for there first call into the network. All calls after that is $2.50 per
talk minute.

Interested Contact me at ***@CentralConsulting.net.

David Denslow

Thank you



Peter Hemingway
2008-02-19 08:58:36 UTC

Peter Hemingway
General Manager
Tuncurry Bowling Club
21 Parkes Street Tuncurry 2428
Ph: 6554 6477
Post by DavidD
Thank you for taking a minute to read this small proposal.
We are centralconsulting.net a new and upcoming New Age Internet network.
We are seeking new recruits for promoters, consultants and customers of
our sister sites www.CCPsychics.com as well as www.GoAskAPro.com.
We are seeking consultants in all areas of New Age as well as
Para-professionals and Professionals.
This is a real work at home opportunity.
Promoters are able to make up to $10.00 per talk hour for each call they
generate for the network that is $5.00 for the consultant and $5.00 for
the customer no matter how many calls are generated through their efforts.
Promoters all receive a promotions code upon signing up.
Consultants are able to make $21.00 per talk hour to start, and up to
$42.00 per talk hour with logged time incentives. There is not a fee to be
included in the network or to receive calls.
Customers talk for three (3) free minutes and as little as $1.67 per
minute for there first call into the network. All calls after that is
$2.50 per talk minute.
David Denslow
Thank you